Fitness on Demand: Barre, Pilates & Interval Training

Find a balance of Strength, Resistance & Low Impact Workouts

Why Do You Need This Program?

You will get the body placement & breathing benefits of Barre & Pilates with the strength & cardio of Interval Training.

1. Improve posture using breathing techniques
2. Increased flexibility
3. Balance of high impact with stretching exercises
4. Teaching you to be more body conscious
5. Ability to help make you a more well rounded person
6. People are going to see you radiate CONFIDENCE
7. Modifications available as you find yourself becoming stronger or need a stay to take it easy

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and will not diagnose or correct an ailment/injury. When working out, please listen to your body and take breaks and/or modifications when necessary.

What is included?

This is your All-In-One Workout

This program takes Barre and Pilates and combines with Bootcamp Interval Training. It is the best program for your overall fitness goals.
*Newly added: Cycle Syncing Workouts. Learn which workouts are the best to do throughout your menstrual cycle.

You will be taking my classes where we will focus on strength, cardio, and flexibility. Different types of equipment will be used but not necessary to have. My goal is for you to feel stronger after every workout.
The workouts consist of different moves geared towards your fitness level, so listen for tips on body placement, posture and breathing.

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and will not diagnose or correct an ailment/injury. When working out, please listen to your body and take breaks and/or modifications when necessary.

What Has It Done For Me?

Read my story

My mom introduced me to ballet at the age of 5 at our local YMCA. I went in kicking and screaming and came out saying I would never go back. The following week, she took me back. I took ballet classes the next 13 years and learning body placement & posture helped me control the pains I felt from Scoliosis, having no cartilage in my knees, intense shoulder pain from heavy bookbags & more.

Going into college, I continued taking dance technique classes in the evening and received a Minor in Dance. This is why I love my story. One day, I saw men taking a beginning ballet class. Clearly, they looked like they didn't belong. I asked one of the teachers and she said those are football players. The coach requires all Freshmen players to take a beginning ballet class to help them become more aware of body placement, core stability & increase their flexibility.

There you go! These same football players were taking a low impact workout (Barre/Pilates) to combine with the lifting/cardio (Interval Training). These same people who may go on to the NFL.

Now, ask yourself again why haven't you started my program. I combine my Core 3 Values of Posture, Body Placement & Flexibility into my workouts.
You next step is below.

*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional and will not diagnose or correct an ailment/injury. When working out, please listen to your body and take breaks and/or modifications when necessary.


"Your classes are great!  I appreciate how much you change things up each class too - to incorporate all our muscle groups  - your dedication to planning each class shows. I love a challenge and you give me just that with no judgement. Your sense of humor also makes class very enjoyable. Keep encouraging us to do our best!" 


"I love the the way I feel after the workout and I love taking classes with mostly the same people. Also all the classes are fun and challenging. Always lots of encouragement and pushing us to get through the workout."


"What I really enjoy about your classes is the variety and the total body approach. We rarely do the same exact moves because you have a unique ability to make subtle changes. They don’t always seem like a lot when we do them, but I usually feel them later that day! I also really enjoy the combination moves you incorporate that allow us to work the total body along with a simple exercise."